Saturday, March 08, 2008

photo from google

I stayed in Heidington all day long.

Sandy, Jay and I enjoyed hot pot. I had several bowls of rice!!!

吃飽後,Sandy的女兒Julia從boarding school回來。我馬上開始執行我的project:果然,問題多多:我的task設計漏洞百出。還好老闆有交代,要先試驗、分析看看,不然實際拿去用的話,我的Dissertation就Bye Bye了。
I waited for Julia, Sandy's daughter. She was my participant in my pilot study. Thanks for her, i found that there are so many drawbacks and problems with my task design.

Julia在寄宿學校適應良好,成績也表現優異,她告訴我,她打算念醫科(現在她才國二啊),雖然她的自然稍差,但她會迎頭趕上。為了考A level,十年級她會轉學到Heidington的私立女子中學,也就是哈利波特裡妙麗念的學校。但Sandy後來跟我說,這所升學率頗高的女子私校,早就滿額了(要提早兩年提出申請)。看來,為了學業而爭相擠破頭進入名門學校舉世皆然!
Julia performes well at school. She told me that she wants to be a doctor in the near future. Therefore, she has to study hard for the long-term goal.

Through chatting with Julia, I have more understandng with secondary education in the U.K. Generally spaeking, students from Taiwan are competitive in the area of math. With regard to other subjects, it can hardly tell the differences between courses in Taiwan and in the U.K. However, British education highlighs individual difference, and it can be telled from the way that school implement tests on students.

There is a course about Shakespeare. Students are required to understand the test title, to analyze characters, to express explicitly, and to evaluate the literature. I believe, when it comes to Shakespeare, Julia must be superer than the freshmen in Foreign Language Department in Taiwan.

I feel fulfilled, but I am tired.

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